New Year and lots planned!

January 2025 came in fast this year. I can’t believe it’s already the 27th~ From January 15-23 we got to visit my in-laws village of BU’U.

2013 was the first time that we were there . It was two months we spent in the village with them and I have to say it was one of the hardest times of my life. We had two little kids 3 & 2 years old. Everything was so new to me and the kids. Fast forward to 2017 we went into visit them again for about a month. I remember it not being as hard but defiantly not liking the cockroaches and bugs.

Now 2025 eight years later, I can say my goodness that was a piece of cake!~ We so enjoyed being in the village with them this time in. We mainly went to just to be with Dad and Mom. The people were amazed on how big the kids have gotten and Caleb was able to preach that Sunday. We made meals together, talked for hours, sat on the swing on the porch with coffee and celebrated Caleb’s 42nd birthday.

Calebs parents have been missionaries to their village for 25 years and only have two more books to translate for the New Testament to be finished. They are in the Gulf province as well but 160 miles from our village. This makes it very hard for us to visit each other and why it's been years since we visited BU’U. Thankfully we have the mission compound that we can see each other on.

While there I realized how God prepared us for our village of Moka. Bu’u is in the mountains and on every trail it was hard for me to just climb and walk normal. I mean if you know me, I am not easy on my feet anyways always sliding and catching myself and that’s when I’m walking in the flat swamp area of Moka. My In-laws have done great with all of the hiking that they have done in this village! I give it to them. Mom doesn’t even seem short of breath while walking in her village and here I am huffing and puffing…. (oh brother). The people are small, when I say small I mean like little girls size 10/12 for women and boys waist of 26 if that for men.They have a different personality that I think would have been hard to get if I was there full time. Just those little things made me think on how the Lord knew where he wanted us. I am open and talk alot I want to know things and I get so involved in my peoples lives that it would have been hard if the village we were ministering to was BU’U. But GOD knew~ he sent his people to the perfect spot.

We leave for our village Tuesday and won’t be back around till April! This is going to be the first time that we get to land on our own airstrip SO EXCITED!!!! This will make everything just so much easier!

This is the year wee plan to have our furlough. Nov 2025 is the goal for us to be back in the states. This tern will have been a 3 year term so we are ready to catch up with you all again!

Please pray for the People of Moka to be saved, pray for the translation of JONAH that is what Caleb is starting next. Pray for the rest of our homeschool year to finish out well and for our health and safety!

We love you all!

October 31, 2024 

Today was a big day for us, for the last three weeks we had a woman here from the states who was making a documentary on our life and ministry. She was also here to film the opening of the Airstrip which has been in works for six years. The day started off quite normal waking up to see the sun, knowing that this is going to be a good day! We praised the Lord for his work and all that he brought us through to this point! As the day progressed on the helicopter was able to land and two pilots were on the ground. One pilot doing the survey which turned out to be a praise espeially when he gave the answer of YES it can be opened! He said “We’re ready to come in and land the plane!” but as he was saying it, clouds rolled in… you see during the time that he was doing the survey and walking the airstrip with Caleb, everyone in this village was doing their own sorcery magic. They were dressed in their original get up which has a foundation to their ancestors demon worship. They were also doing their chants and holding there relics.

As the pilot was talking, saying we are now going to come in with the plane, the weather was changing. The woman who was with us for three weeks jumped into the helicopter with the two pilots and they were just able to get out leaving us standing there with a massive storm rolling in. We’re talking thunder, lightning HEAVY rain… mind you we had no storms for the last 22 days. We haven’t had any of that. It’s not even the weather pattern for this time of year. The pilots waited at another airstrip not too far away for three hours hoping to make it in to land! It wound up not working out for that day. Caleb and I truly believe that it had to do with Gods judgement. It seemed so strange what was happening.

The same night Caleb said to me I feel very cold, but being that the storm came and the temperature dropped significantly by 20° I just thought it was that. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt him and he was burning up with 102 fever, for the next 2 days he continued on with the fever telling me he had severe head pain and bodyaches and his stomach just didn’t feel correct. We did a malaria test 2x and it came back negative so we continued to help him through the day with Tylenol and Advil but the morning of November 2 Caleb progressed to worse. He woke up in the morning around 4:30am and I heard him faint in the bathroom when I got to him I am not sure if he went into a seizure, but he was slightly convulsing in his hands and his eyes were rolling and he was gagging, my body started to shake and I thought “Oh please Lord, don’t take him.” We weren’t really sure what it was. We started to do a cold, shower and cold cloth on his body to bring the temperature from 102.7 down, I was able to get a hold of my friend in Ukarumpa who got a hold of the nurse for me and praise God for the Nurses and Dr’s of SIL!!! They spoke to me over the radio and told me to give him the malaria medicine even though it didn’t come positive. As we started the medicine. We also gave him Tylenol to keep his fever at a 99 the rest of that day. I was very fearful as we approached the night again that we would go through the same thing again from the night before but I prayed and went to sleep. The fever broke that night sweat pouring off of him, his body was dripping so we put a bath towel under him. I was just so thankful to know that it was malaria and that the medicine was working. For eleven years we’ve been in this country and we’ve never had malaria. The medicine is a three day course and by the third day he was back to normal with no headache and able to function again. The hours of the morning on November 2 are something I’ve never dealt with before…worrying about your husband while you’re feeling helpless in a place that’s so remote is hard. It might even wanna make you give up, we prayed so much that day for him. We were advised that maybe we should also try to get out but knowing that this would be a huge task we just asked for the Lords hand and guidance to tell us what to do. I praise God for His hand on Caleb and His protection over our family.

We’re now looking at having the Airstrip evaluated and landed on the 2nd week of November. He continually shows his hand upon all things always. I know that I’ve written that more than 1 million times, we were also extremely thankful that the woman who came to visit and was able to get out because if not, she would’ve missed all of her flights that we’re scheduled for the next two days to get her back to America. God answered SO many PRAYERS of the day! God is in control of all things and there’s so many times that I have seen miracle upon miracle of what he’s proven to us that that makes me not able to quit.

I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord and in the land of the living wait for the Lord be strong and let your heart take courage wait for the Lord - Psalm 27:13-14

This God, his way is perfect. The way of the Lord proves true. He is a shield for all those who take refuge in him Psalm 18:30

  • Nov 14 The plane did land for the first time and we were able to finally open the airstrip! It was an amazing day!

OCT 23,2024

Christ took on flesh… when I think about that it amazes me that Christ gave up heaven for the sake of his people on earth. 🌏 He gave up perfection to be with us sinful people. He died a horrible death only to defeat it for our sake! Praise be to him!

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,[a] who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,[b] but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[c] being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. -Phil 2:4-8

I’m saying all this because this month it was brought to my attention on how much fear can guide you and how that looks to the people. The unsaved are always watching us. I want to be more like Christ as I’m among the people … shaking their hand, sitting with them, eating with them, helping them medically and obviously telling them of the Good news of Christ and what He can do for them. The perfect Son came from heaven to be with us, eat with us, sit with us, to die for us. I say all this because I am reminded that the Lord wants us to do things that would be out of our comfort zone! He stretches us in ways that we would think are almost impossible.

To be with others who are culturally different then you is extremely hard at first but the more you are with them the more things seem to become a more “normal.” I would say that after 11 years being in PNG as well as almost 7 years in my village, that I am now starting to feel like I am able to be “one” of them at least to an extant. Show Christ in all you do, remember that as Christians we are being watched and we NEED to reflect Christ in our daily lives!

September 2, 2024

Yesterday I wasn’t feeling well, so I planned on staying in the house all day after having a fever through the night. I was working with Bella at the table in my pajamas when I heard the sing song sound of a woman crying out. I went to the door and saw that all my workers were running to the top of my hill as well to see what was happening down in the village, and there I witnessed a man (I should say more like a boy) hitting his wife in the dirt where she fell  into a fetal position and he continued to beat her and kick her in the neck and head. I was screaming out from the doorway to find out who it was, it was the couple we just ate with two Wednesdays ago. We had a dinner with them and spoke of Christ. I would say they’re both about 21/22 years old. The argument was over firewood and babysitting. She said I will go get you firewood because he was upset that there was none and when she asked him to watch their baby who’s about a year and a half he got angry with her and decided to beat her. No one really stopped him at the time that was happening, but I did find out he was stopped from numerous times going back to her. I went out my pajamas called out to her to come, so I could help her. Her name is Jennifer… she came up with another girl and was caked over with mud since this is the rainy season and the ground is full of it. Her arm was so swollen from being punched her back was so bruised from being kicked and her neck extremely bruised. I was shocked that she could walk up to me. She was crying, so I told the kids to make her tea with lots of sugar and milk because I knew she was in shock. After we cleaned her, I rubbed witch hazel all over her body for the bruises I gave her pain medicine and was just thankful that she wasn’t dead. We wrapped her arm where the biggest bruise was on her muscle. She drank her tea in a state of shock and was sort of in a disbelief! After she went back down I came back in the house still not feeling well and said to Caleb. I can’t believe these things are aloud. This is just so evil constantly these people get away with things that are so wrong and there’s no justice. Caleb said to me but wait one of the policeman a true policeman( paid by the gov. not a civil police) is here in the village. He said “I told all the people to go to him so that they can handle this the right way” but here is the problem everyone has an issue with everyone so if one person goes to the police for an issue on someone else that person will turn around and say I’m gonna pull out my issue with you as well so they sort of live in this position of being scared. Thing is I don’t have any issues that people can hold against me so I’m not scared to go to the police. (Issues that I’m referring to is someone’s son slept with someone else’s family member. Someone stole a pineapple from someone else’s garden, someone stole something from someone else’s house those kind of things.)

As I’m sitting there gonna get my lunch I think to myself this can’t be happening. There’s no way, no one‘s going to call on the policeman. I just witnessed something so horrific and nothing will be done. I have done this for many years now one man almost killed his wife numerous times, and I had to help her. Thankfully, she lived through it all, but due to medicine and God’s goodness. Another time I’ve helped people who have been stabbed, which I’ve mentioned before.I have to remind myself that Christ is the ultimate judge who will seek the true justice of man. Many times I feel like everyone could be a victim to this evil world and the evil continues to prevail. So I decided I was going to go, so I got dressed and walked down to find him now, every time I walk through the village they are always wondering why I’m walking through the village because normally it has something to do with a medical situation, or they’ll take advantage of the situation ask me for everything they could possibly think of while I’m walking because they think that I carry bandages and pain medicine on me at all times, but no one bothered us as we (the kids and I) walked to find him. When I got to the area that he was in, I called out to find out where he was, and he was in a house. Now, previously throughout the week we have helped him and another man from another village as well to use our satellite phone because they needed to make phone calls to an area that was sending a boat that was going to pick them up and they were trying to find out when that boat was coming. In PNG culture you return one favor for another so since we help them with the Satellite phone which is a very big favor. I knew he’d be happy to help me. Just so happens that the girl that was beat up was standing in that area as well so when I called him out, he came and I showed him, what happened to her back…showed him the bruises on her neck and her arm that was bandaged. I explained that I watched it as well and witness the situation and then I stated the law which states “violence against women.” it is against the law in PNG to abuse your wife, which is a great thing, but not necessarily easy to control in villages that don’t have police. He took in everything I said and then proceeded to go and get the husband. I didn’t stick around but knew that he would be in trouble. The policeman was not even aware that it happened. Like I said no one would have told him. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard but I knew I was her only hope at that time. Please pray for Beri and Jennifer and their little daughter Helen. They need Christ. They have heard the word and we have been to their house to witness to them.

28 A dishonest man spreads strife,
    and a whisperer separates close friends.
29 A man of violence entices his neighbor
    and leads him in a way that is not good.
30 Whoever winks his eyes plans[a] dishonest things;
    he who purses his lips brings evil to pass.

Psalm 16:28-30

Jennifer is in the blue shirt with baby Helen

Demons are alive and well

Aug 18, 2024

Is He worthy?

“Is He Worthy,” is a song that I tend to listen to a lot, and a lot of times cry as I sing it because of my proud heart or sinful ways that overtake me on this mission field and bring me into self pity. All this brings my eyes off the true reason we are here and I need to remember that He is Worthy, and that giving up what we have is for his glory and his glory alone. It is worth it all. It doesn’t matter if you’re in PNG or America in the end all that matters is if you are a follower of Christ and how you lived your life for the gospel. Are you sharing the good news with others? Do others see a Christ like life in your life? Are you bearing the Fruits of the Spirit? ( the beautiful song)

There are days that I think to myself what are we doing this for? No one seems to be listening Lord and am I doing it in vain?

It all started two nights ago that I was hearing this strange screaming coming from the house right down from me, I mean horror non human screaming. Caleb said, “ just go to sleep it’s just kids playing”but I knew in my gut it was demonic. Nothing screams like that normally. It went on through the night and I fell asleep. The next day I asked around if anyone heard the screaming and they all just said it was kids from the house that I thought it was coming from. As the day went on Elijah was in the village and said he saw two guys carrying another guy(21) who was dealing with an evil spirit in him. That confirmed what I heard for that guy lives right below me, his name is George.  Last night again I heard the screaming all through the night…Now today Aug 18th Geni an Kerbuti ( his parents) were up by my house so Caleb and I went out to see what was up? They just said they were going for a walk and we started to have a conversation with them, as we were talking there son George comes out of the jungle half alive limping and looking like he was going to pass out! His parents go on to say nothing and so I asked is there an evil spirit attacking George? Then they opened up and said yes that is him screaming at night and six people have to hold him down his strength over exceeds everyone just like the story in Mark-

He lived among the tombs. And no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain, for he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had the strength to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and on the mountains he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones.And when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and fell down before him. And crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me.” For he was saying to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!” And Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many.” 10 And he begged him earnestly not to send them out of the country. 11 Now a great herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, 12 and they begged him, saying, “Send us to the pigs; let us enter them.” 13 So he gave them permission. And the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs; and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea.

Mark 5:3-13

As he was walking past us he sat down and literally couldn’t get up he had some encounter with the spirit in the jungle which he was fighting but obviously lost. I called to him he didn’t answer so we prayed over him in the name of Jesus. I nor Caleb have the power to cast demons out but the one who lives within us does. Nothing miraculous happened at that moment but I’m praying for George. God save his soul before the devil carries him to hell

Sept 3, it’s been a few weeks and still it has not come back to him. Praise God. We are not here in Vain and we praise the Almighty how he uses the power of prayer .

these are his parents

George is on the left and in the purple shirt!

Our trip back to the mission compound and how the Lord continues to show us His faithfulness

I feel like we go through seasons as missionaries. There are good times that tend to always outweigh the bad but then the hard times come and you seem to forget about all the good. My previous entry mentioned trails and it had to do with Bellas arm. This one was a hard one for me…

This past Thursday ( Sept 12th) we were scheduled to leave our village to get picked up and return to Ukarumpa to get our supplies. The beginning of the week was beautiful weather, blue skies, sun, and a lovely breeze. Thursday we woke up to a light drizzle and low clouds. Weather in PNG can literally change within minutes so we walked down to the boat to get going at 6 am praying that the weather would clear enough for the plane to land around 10 am. Our airstrip sill has not been checked out to be officially opened so we were going to the airstrip that we have been flying in and out of for years now. As we were about 15 mins on the water, the rain just came down soaking us to the bone for the next hour and a half. Jersey was hysterical weaving in and out of our legs trying to find cover as well. We got to the village of Faia and made a huge fire so we could dry by it for a while. Caleb got about 36 men as workers to go and help us cut the strip so the plane could land later that day. Elijah wanted to help as well and as he walked away I yelled for him to stay in the middle of the strip because I am very fearful of the poison snakes that would be lurking about on the side of the strip in the thicker bush. I don’t know if he heard me or not but about a half hour into their work I decided to go and see what he was up too only to see him chopping a small tree down standing in the bush with his Crocs! I was so upset, you know mom style, where you want to go and just scream but there were so many workers around and I didn’t want to be a bad testimony. So I hustled down the strip to get to him and as I’m walking towards him there are a group of men huddled around something… A POISON SNAKE! They said that they had just killed three. Meanwhile Elijah was just in that area and could have been bit! I was really upset and actually think about it still how he was so close and yet the Lord protected him. After the men finished cutting the rain was really coming down and there was just no way that the plane was going to make it in at that time. Thankfully the pilot had written us via satellite text saying he would wait all the way up until 2:30 pm because he was stationed at another airstrip 65 miles from us. So many times throughout that day we prayed for the Lord to open up the sky for the plane to be able to come in. We just sat and waited for hours and all I had was this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach with worry. I confess one of my biggest problems is worry I am fighting this always because it clearly states in the Bible that we are not to worry.

Luke 12:22- And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on.”

Philippians 4:6- Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and suppliction with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God

We heard the plane overhead for about 10 mins from various directions yet he was unable to get in. This is when we were not sure what we were going to do because it was now 3:15 we still had to walk back to the village towards our boat and were going to have to make a phone call to aviation to find out what we should do next. The walk back is about a mile away and as I was walking I was getting blisters on my feet because I was wearing rain boots with no socks, yes I know, not a wise decision. We made it back to village around 4 pm. making it late to leave the village knowing we would be on the water in the dark. We called aviation and they said they could pick us up the next day so we decided that we would stay in the village and wait this out. We were not prepared for this we had no food, no mosquitio nets, and nothing to sleep on. We told the kids this would be hard and it was the thing we thought best to do. Thankfully both of them didn’t complain and honestly just went with flow. We had 5 men from our village with us as well so they too were stuck. Thankfully Wacove’s family line was in this village and we were able to stay in two rooms of their house (think bare shed floor). We had no food and therefore at 7 pm just sort of made camp in the room and laid down. The Moka men made two fires in cut up 55 gal drums and we just sort of “slept” till it was light outside. Jersey chased a rat out of our room through the night and we had many laughs while lying there. I think if we didn't laugh we would have been crying. The next morning we waited to see what the weather looked like and it wasn’t that much different except that it wasn’t raining. We had to make the decision if they should send the plane or not because we were paying for it even if it didn't make it in. Caleb said that we call at 10:30am (8:30pm eastern time) and if it wasn’t raining, we could see a hole in the clouds with blue patches, as well as the mountain ridge was clear we would say yes. So at 10:30 our famliy walks to a different area to pray first and make the call. All of what I just said was visible so we said “yes” send the plane. Right after I hung up the rain came pouring down on us and big black clouds covered the ridge. At this point since I had no sleep and my stress was so high I started to cry. I thought we should call them back. Call it off. But that would mean going back to Moka with limited supplies and an unknown day of pick up. Caleb said no we made the call, God knows and we are moving forward. Everyone started to walk the mile back to the airstrip Caleb and I were last in line. My feet were literally bleeding in my boots and couldn’t walk, I was crying to Caleb because my faith was so weak and I felt so done. Caleb reminded me that in my weakness His power is shown.

But he said to me “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ then I am content with weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when a I am weak then I am strong. -2 Corinthians 12 :9-10

As I was attempting to walk all I could see was the darkness of the storm and no light. Caleb said He wanted to pray when we got to the airstrip to show the Moka men that God will open the sky and that He trusted the Lord to do what is good. These men all morning kept saying that someone is working magic against you and they are controlling the weather. No matter what we said that is what they truly believed. Caleb mentioned to me that in 1 KINGS 18 Elijah puts the ball in Gods court knowing that He would show his power. His faith was amazing just amazing that he even had the alter doused with water not once not twice but three times knowing that the Lord would show up. He looked at me and said Melissa “He knows. He will do what is good.” We got to the strip once again and we prayed. Aviation told us that the ETA was for 12:06 pm and at 11:35 the sky opened and cleared. Even enough for the sun to shine through. I later found out that many people were praying for us at this time in the USA and let’s just say he heard you! The plane landed at 12:06 and by 12:20 the darkness was back and the storm was even thicker than before. We took off to fly right through it and as we ascended the clouds were so thick and there was very little visibility. After we landed in Ukarumpa the pilot turned around and said I would have never been able to get down through that if I was just a few minutes later. GOD IS SO GOOD! I pray that the Moka men saw that. That They heard Calebs prayer that they saw his faith and that only by God was the weather changed! I praise God for this testing of my faith. I praise God for these hardships and I know that as he refines me as well as my family it will burn and it will hurt but in the end I will be more like Christ. ALL glory to him.

James 1:2-3- Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let the steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

This is where we stayed and how we. “slept.” Elijah was just laying on the floor

May 2024

Serving God in the midst of trials.

The day before we were scheduled to leave for Moka, Bella trips on the road and fractures her left arm again! She was casted and we decided it wouldn’t be a set back and continued on with the original date of departure, May 7th. So the morning of the trip we were about 18 mins from our destination and there was a call to our plane that they needed it for a Medivac back at the mission compound.

Thankfully not as bad as the last time…

Now when we leave and pack up our house to be away from it for 2 months we eat everything out of the fridge or take what I can. I wash the floor, and bathroom, finish up the laundry and hang it inside if need be. So when they said we had to turn around I selfishly thought, ugh I’m going to have to do all that again another day. I then proceeded to be concerned about who it could be and what could be the matter with that person. We landed and weren’t sure of a new departure date since this throws a wrench into the scheduling and we would have to find out another day. So we opened the house up again and I called my mom to tell her what happened. She suggested taking the kids for ice cream (png kind) because they too had a thrown off day. So off we went to get ice cream. While there the Lord allowed me to bump into the person whose wife was on the Medivac. She was 30 weeks pregnant and her water broke. PNG is not set up with a NIC unit so they were flying her off to AU. Once I heard her story I thought about how selfish it was of me to think about the nonsense that I did. (Praise the Lord she was able to deliver at 37 weeks and the baby and mom are doing well now.)

As our week progressed in Uka both kids started to fight the flu, Caleb had started the week before and was about over the worst while we were on the plane but now Bella, had a fever and a cough and then on Friday Elijah came down with it. Monday the 13th was the new date of our departure and I was extremely worried about what we should do about going. I was praying a lot and asking the Lord for guidance. If we had our airstrip open I wouldn’t be as concerned knowing that we would land and be at the house but being it’s not it was going to be a long day of travel for Elijah who was still not feeling well and feverish.

These are times where my faith waivers and I feel like throwing in the towel for a moment.

We decided to go in good faith knowing that it would be a hard day but Elijah said he could do it. Praise the Lord we got in at the airstrip and all our stuff to the river, there was a boat and a motor and we were on our way to our house. The next three days were a blur as I nursed Elijah who continued with fever and readied the house. That Thursday the 16th I started to feel weak and tired and by night fall I too had succumbed to the dumb flu! I’m the worst patient and I hate being sick because I know I have just too much to do each day to keep the house running but here I am typing this blog out from my bed and realizing it ain’t up to me and that I just need to trust what the Lord has in store for me. For me it’s a challenge to serve God whole heartedly when in a trial. I’m so weak and I’m reminded of that now. My good friend wrote me and said “I guess this is a time to rest in Him, rather than actively serving. ❤️ Praying you'll be encouraged”

Thankful for her encouragement. Everyone else is on the mend with coughs and low energy hopefully in a few days that will be me as well.

There is not a word on my tongue, but behold oh Lord, you know it all together -Psalm 139:4

God does not give us everything we want, but he does fulfill his promises leading us along the best and straightest paths to himself

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

A Quick update

April 12th, 2024

Hello all, so sorry I’ve been missing in action here. We were in the village all of January into February and then we came to the states for a missions conference the last week of Feb. We never do things like this so it was such a blessing to be with like minded Christians in fellowship with one another. We leave to travel back to PNG on Wed the 17th.

When we left PNG the last week of Feb. I felt like my “cup” was so dry. There are always ups and downs in the missionary life but not having a home church and a time of fellowship with other believers wears on you. When you are on the frontlines in missions you know that you are giving this up in order to bring them the GOOD NEWS but when the opportunity came up that we could go to the US for a few weeks, I was just so thankful for Gods knowing where we were at and helping us. GOD IS GOOD and we praise Him for this trip. We feel refreshed and rejuvenated to go back to the people of Moka and continue on with the ministry there.

While here in the states we got to spend time with Grandparents, Family, Church and friends.

Since we were in Moka last, the “mayor”, what’s apped us while he was in one of the towns. It was a first for us to see them on video! He told us that one of the Moka kids was killed by a crocodile. That’s so upsetting for me since that same kid I just helped back in January with Malaria. When these tragic things happen they always get to me and I get worried. Please pray for Mark and Sara it was their son who died.

These pictures Elijah and Bella took in January and February

Prayer points:

-Travel back to Papua New Guinea (17th-19th)

-Travel back to Moka on the 7th of May

-For the HOLY SPIRIT to come and that the Lord will save His people

-AIRSTRIP- To be opened up in August Lord willing

-To finish school with the kids while in the village

- Caleb’s language learning to continue on (he has progressed so much!) and preaching the Word!
- Safety and Health of our family

It has been too long, lots to write about.

I can’t believe it’s Dec 17th 2023 already. One year ago today Bella and I were on our medivac to Australia to get her broken arm fixed! Praise GOD for all he has done for us this past year and healed Bellas arm so it’s good as new. Last year I was overwhelmed and upset over our time in AU and that we were missing all our Christmas traditions of baking cookies and watching Christmas movies together. This year I am thankful and grateful that I am able to do them with the family!

I wanted to give an update on David and his family. Last time I wrote about him he was extremely interested in what the Bible had to say as well as was coming to every meeting. He genuinely listened to what was preached. Caleb and I decided to fast and pray for him one weekend because we had never had anyone so interested in the Bible before. We prayed for him and that the LORD would save him as well as another man Harry. The next day after we had done that we saw David outside waiting to talk with Caleb. Caleb went out and was gone for about an hour. When he came back in the news was not good. David said that he would not be coming to the meetings anymore because he had work to do to build his house etc… Honestly we were heart broken we had just pleaded with God for his salvation and now he was saying he wasn’t even going to come to hear the word anymore. Caleb asked him if there was a problem or if a demon spoke to him. He denied it but obviously something happened. We were extremely discouraged but God knows what he is doing and we trust that HIS will, will be done!

How can I love a National as Christ loves us? Is a question I ask myself a lot lately. In my sinful actions, I get upset or frustrated with things they say or do towards us and then become very angry with them. What kind of missionary am I if I’m angry with the people I’m supposed to be showing Christ too! I can’t really explain what life is like living in a village, you have to live it to truly understand. There are days that I’m ready to take on the world and help in every way I can and other days I want to hide in the house and not really try to problem solve their life problems. Being in the village as a foreigner you are looked too for all things. They expect us to help in everything, with fixing things for them, whether it is gluing a water tank, putting tape on a book or giving them things like a piece of paper to write on. All these are small insignificant things and we are happy to help! It’s when they come demanding things from you like fuel, to use the satellite phone, or money that starts to make me upset. We always help in the medical needs and community issues, but if it comes to a family issue or a problem between two individuals we are not involved. There is a small court here in our village and all disputes are handled there, such as… married people committing adultery, who stole something from someone’s garden, or a threat from another person. Loyalty is not something they care about and being that no one seems to be saved they will use and abuse a situation even if that means that they lost the friendship. Culturally that’s not how it works in America and a friendship means something to you, many go through great lengths to not have an upset or tiff in there friendship.

BUT GOD, yes GOD did this same thing right around this time 2000 years ago. GOD sent His son JESUS, to earth to so that he would be the propitiation for our sins, the last sacrifice! Jesus came because he loves us so much. Think of what sinners we are and yet he looked past that to literally become the GOD-man, fully GOD yet fully man. As I complain (which is sinful in itself) about my small roll in MOKA and how I’m not cut out for this and this is so hard….I have to humbly repent of my sinful ways and attitude, which not going to lie is hard because pride takes root. I have to remember there is someone much bigger then I in charge of the MOKA people and I need to be the vessel he wants me to be. When Mary was given the task to bore the son of GOD her first question was, Well how can that be since Im a virgin? But the angel goes on to say

“ And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy- the Son of God.”- LUKE 1:35

after saying these tings it goes on to speak of Elizabeth and how she will conceive but the point I want to get to is this, verse 37. Here the angel says “For nothing is impossible with God. 38 And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant if the LORD; let it be to me according to your word.” and the angle departed

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! the fact that Mary spoke and said. “Behold” it was if now she was bringing a message, she trusted GOD and knew this is what you want me to do so I am your humble servant. This is what I am taking with me when we go back into Moka in Jan 2024. I am your servant lord, I AM to trust you for nothing is impossible with you and I have to own that and trust that always. Save your people and help me to be the your hands and feet, let me not be troubled with the sinful acts but to pray and speak of you to them.

I challenge you reader as you too have had hardships and might be feeling sorry for yourself, Remember Marys reaction to GOD when she was told she was going to carry the Son of God and how with her humbleness the Lord used her greatly.

this is at our house on the Mission base… MERRY Christmas to you all


last post till DEC.

July 30, 2023

I have been yearning for some good American food. You know pizza, hamburger, hotdogs and a milk shake!

We are in the rainy season it’s always a little bit more depressing because of all the rain. When the sun does show its face I’m sure to get everyone outside and catch a few rays because the vitamin “D” will do us all good.

As we continue to teach the people Gods Word, we have had some great conversations about Christ, Christianity and what it means. David and his two sons came to our house for dinner on Wed, we ate on the porch and I made white Chili… I made enough to have left overs, but being they don’t get food with a ton of flavor, the pot was empty by the end of the night. It made my heart glad. David asked questions about baptism, we also brought up that being a follower of Christ would set him apart from all of the people here, he said he wasn’t afraid of that since he is like an outcast already. It made me think of how Jesus was accepted more by the outcasts in the Bible because they had already been rejected, where as the rich man could not give up all he had to follow him.

Please continue to pray for David, that God would save him!

This is DAVID, his brother is in the background, and these are his two sons.

Aug 13

I just finished reading this book (it’s an easy read!) I couldn’t believe how parallel our lives are.

“Poking holes in the Darkness” BY JAKI PARLIER

I highly recommend this book about a missionary woman and her family in PNG durning the 1960-80’s she is an Italian from New Jersey which reminds me of myself!

This book is a great eye opener to those of you who do not live in PNG with the demonic force. Demons are everywhere and know how to capture their people in each culture. Here in PNG it’s all about the spirit world and how their “customs” control them. A while back I wrote a blog about Elsi dealing with a demon and how it really didn’t phase her that it would go into her periodically. This week we heard our village all screaming and shining lights on the river around 8 pm one night… we watched the parade of villagers walk towards the other end of the village. The next day we asked what that was all about and we’re told, this one young guy who always has a spirit with him went to the bush and was doing his work there ( gardening, fishing, chopping wood) when his new wife was upset or annoyed at the spirit so called out it’s name which from what I understand it started to fight the both of them ( makes me think it was wrestling with them) by the time night came they were exhausted and went calling out to the village to help them. They were across the river and what we saw was the village going out to help them get back. I am sure we are missing many parts to this story because they won’t tell it all to us.

What I have learned throughout my years here as well as in the states is that demons gain control by you speaking their names. I never played the ouija board but have heard about it from other people and they would say that the spirit would always spell out its name so then once you called it by name it gained power, I find that extremely similar to this situation here. We need to be aware of the the spirit world. IT DOES EXSIST! Christian, guard yourself from these things and have your armor on!

“For we do on wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over the present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

- Eph 6:12

Please pray with us for these things. We are planning on returning to our village Sept 28,2023

  • That the Lord would prevail over the darkness

  • Many would come to hear his word preached


  • the airstrip would be finished by the new year

  • Health and safety for our family

  • that we would have Joy wherever the Lord has us.

“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”-JOHN 15:11

Another entry!

July 4th -9th

American holidays far away are always a little hard for me. Knowing family is gathering together for a BBQ or swimming, gets a little depressing. I always try to make the best of the holiday where ever we are so this year I made steaks and a nice meal. We read 4th of July Independence books and listened to patriotic music through out the day. We made the best of it and it turned out to be a nice day.

As we approached the weekend Caleb and I have been praying that many would come to hear the word. My prayer Saturday night was that many from Moka would come with us to go to the village fo Dufa where Caleb would preach Sunday morning. As I walked to the boat, it was pouring rain and cool. I climbed in and noticed no one was coming. I said to Caleb “Do you think anybody is coming?” Caleb said, “Yeah maybe a few.” Then out of no where 37 people piled into the dinghy in the rain. We drove up the river for 20 mins and arrived in Dufa. While there the man who always let us meet under his wind house said we couldn’t anymore. So here we are 37 people from Moka wandering around Dufa to find a place to meet. At first I was really annoyed but thought what kind of missionary am I to be annoyed, I need to be thankful look at what the Lord has done just this morning! I was extremely humbled by HIs grace and how he answered that prayer for many to come. The man who owns the small wind house is unconverted and why would I expect more of him? Anyway it all worked out and we were able to minister to a whole bunch of people. Thankfully God is good and in control of all things.

Not that I am speaking of being in need, I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. -Phil 4:11

Us all meeting under a broken down house in Dufa. Thankfully everyone Is a good sport about it! Elijah, Stephen, his brother Bolgai (in purple) Douglas and Harro (in yellow) all these boys are 14 and 13. They hang with Elijah a lot!


After we arrived in Moka, we got to work unpacking quickly because everything was somewhat wet (due to the rain.) As we were unpacking we noticed that Jersey was in a “hunting” mode, she had found a rats nest! She chased the first rat into a corner where Caleb speared it with one of our PNG hunting spears. Let me tell you that thing was as big as a guinea pig. As we cleaned up that mess Caleb said, “Well I hope that was the only one,” as he says that she comes running out of the bathroom in pursuit of another one, this time it was a mama rat since she dropped her baby on the floor as she was being chased by Jersey. Jersey killed that one all on her own. No need to worry about rabies for it is not in the country. We threw all three rats outside in the rain, cleaned up everything and continued on unpacking. We have never had rats in this house before and we can’t find where they are coming from! The next morning all three rat bodies were gone meaning a village dog came and ate them.

Apparently there were 4 snake bites in the 6 weeks while we were gone, but praise be to God no one died! One of my biggest prayers is for Gods hand to be upon these people and save them! I truly believe the devil is at work. We carry the light into this darkness. I feel like when we leave the light goes with us and Satan and his demons are at work, for they too fear the light. He does not want these people to hear Gods word.

June 22-29

We are into a routine again, The kids are finishing up grade 5 and 7 now.

We have found some areas of our house that have termites. It’s not uncommon in this area, we are just concerned by all the hard work Caleb has done here that it will fall apart. We are looking into how to help this situation. Thanks to my parents who were able to get us termite stakes and my in-laws who got us the termite spray. I think were good to go!


We have visited two families these past two weeks on Wednesday nights. We go and share a meal with a family and then Caleb reads to them something that he is working on in translation. It always seems to go over well. We were at Mira’s house this Wednesday and I said to Caleb on our way back that I felt like it was sitting in a friends house. We so enjoyed being with them. They had fresh prawns cooked that Caleb and Bella shared. Elijah is allergic and I don’t do well with them. Mira is always willing to hear the word but still chooses his animistic view. Continue to pray for him and his family. Mira(dad) Morie (1st wife) Molly, Linda, Elizabeth (all of her children). Lokwa ( 2nd wife) Ally, Boi, and Grace( her children)

While we were there our one chickens “Goldie” went missing. So the next morning the kids and I went on the hunt for her in the village, after about a half hour of searching a kid found her with a bunch of other chickens in a tree. He scared them down and they went flapping away. It then took about 20 kids to chase her down! My thought the whole time was, “well this is great we found her to only have a kid diving on top of her and kill her.” She came out ok but screeching from fright! Oh good times.

Last journal entry for a while...

We are leaving for the village again, we probably won’t be back with internet till the Fall. Our 6 weeks out in the town we were able to get everything on the list for our supplies. We even got a small washer machine that will come out on a cargo flight sometime in the future. It will run off of our solar system and help tremendously.

These next three months will be the rainy season, so we pray that the weather will be good on our travel day. We also pray that the Lords will, will be done and He will see fit to save His people.

Journal entry , April 13,2023

This morning Caleb and Elijah left for a trip to go down river to another one of our villages. It is the first time Elijah has gone with Caleb and I have been left alone with Bella in the village. It poured all morning I prayed for them throughout the day . I always get concerned about many things. Bella and I had a very peaceful day. We were able to get a lot of house chores done. Washing mold, cleaning windows, vacuuming, and changing sheets. I also tried to make it a fun day for her by watching movies and eating popcorn. We had pizza for dinner and she wanted Jell-O for dessert. I’m so thankful that I can talk to my in-laws on the short-wave radio. When they’re in the village we can cell call each other through our radios. Just nice not feeling so alone. Around 5 o’clock one of the younger men came up to tell me that his brother was in excruciating pain in his stomach since 2pm. When I got down to the house it seems like he was in a lot of pain and his skin had went more like a yellow color. I was concerned that it could’ve been appendicitis but as I checked he said the pain was on the side and up into his chest going by his heart. I asked him what he had eaten and he said some kind of fruit in the afternoon my only thought that I could help him at that time was to give him activated charcoal. I gave him a healthy dose of activated charcoal in a cup of water he drank it down and in about 20 minutes later he seemed to be OK.

I really don’t know what caused the pain or what was the true problem but I totally recommend activated charcoal for all stomach issues we live for it in our house. We continued through the night with our handy dandy protector, Jersey and prayed for Elijah and Caleb to have a safe return home tomorrow. Can’t wait to hear what they were able to accomplish and if anyone came to hear Gods word.

April 14th

The boys arrived home around noon, much earlier then expected. Elijah said he had a blast and brought a little bag full of “treasures” he found from the old lumber camp that left in 2019. Originally they were going to stay with a family from Moka who has a house there, but since it was overgrown from being vacant for a few months the police man said they could stay in the old police barracks. Elijah thought that was epic and enjoyed being with his dad. Caleb was able to preach 2x while there. The first night and then the morning after. He said they started the meeting off with singing which most nationals love. At first there was only like 2 people at the beginning but by the time he got to the preaching there was a crowd of around 40. He preached from Luke 10:21-22 , he was also able to hand out that same passage that he translated so they could read it in their own Language. It was a great visit and we pray that the Lord would use his word to save people.

Bella and I had a great time together and I was very thankful for the one on one time with her.

Acts 9:28

So he went in and out among them at Jerusalem, preaching boldly in the name of the Lord.

Feeling overwhelmed.

March 18,

Walking through the village this week I have been so heavy hearted on the subject of sin. Living here and being part of a “Community” just makes you very aware of all that goes on. Their sin is very outward and ours (westerners) is very inwards. They will fist fight and fornicate right under your nose, where as in our culture, we murder and lust in our hearts. Everything is always done in secret and hidden while in a village setting everyone knows what everyone is doing.

2 Samuel 22:29 For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness.

One of the Moka women was diagnosed with TB in town many months ago. She returned to our village with a very big story of how she lost the medicine she received for it and was pretty much saying she would rather be in her village then seek more help. She looked like she belonged in a concentration camp. I have never seen anyone look the way she looks. I have been asking her husband why no one has taken her to the hospital to get treatment…but compassion for one another lacks among these people. He says he is waiting on a transport. This is bologna they all have transportation, for every family has a canoe and every family has paddled to the town one time or another. The problem is that it is going to be a hard week to row to the hospital. They would rather “wait” for some random boat that might take them to the hospital than take action for the life of another. I was just very upset about this, I too don’t have the transport, nor am able to be the answer to all their problems. Human life is looked at a lot differently than how I see it. I believe that is from decades of no gospel and being at the mercy of Satan. It is a very dark place to be. I was able to radio my in laws (they are in another village in PNG) and talk to them about this feeling. This feeling of defeat from Satan the feeling that they don’t care, the feeling that you can’t help them. They reassured me that they too have dealt with these hardships, explaining not to get discouraged and just keep witnessing to them. As we spoke my mother in law reminded me our our learnings from the nurse course we took when home in the states. She reminded me that AIDS and TB go together, I don’t have an Aids test but all of her symptoms point to that. If she is really dying of AIDS and TB there is nothing more we can do but just visit her and continue to tell her of CHRIST. This is the raw life in the village and darkness has a hold on them. Please continue to partner with us in prayer for this darkness to be lifted, and that the Holy Spirit will enter in and work in the souls of these people.


2 posts in one... Feb 21 and "The Struggle is Real"

Feb 21 2023

As we start this week the helicopter came from SIL and we was able to get our cargo in. That was a great encouragement. The pilot is one of our good friends and we know he likes Coca Cola, so I had a cold coke ready for him. He was also able to check up on the airstrip and see the progress of it. It was a great relief to hear that it’s all moving in the right direction. Also he was able to tell the people what they still need to work on , which Caleb has been saying, but it’s better coming from Someone else. Moka has marked Mondays to be community day where anyone who can come will come and work on the airstrip. Caleb and Elijah work as well. We are praying to have this airstrip ( 5 years in the making) opened by Christmas! Please pray for this as well. Ultimately we pray for Gods will to be done. We just know that if we don’t put an end date in site they might lose hope and ambition and it won’t get finished.

The struggle is real.

Loving one another is what Christ called us to do, love thy neighbor as thyself is what he said. And boy this struggle is extremely hard for me here (not all the time) their culture is not mine and I get so annoyed by the way they ask things of me ( totally acceptable in their culture). This week I had a guy with a snake bite and a wild boar bite. Both alive. The snake bite guy I helped with the wrap but couldn’t suction anything for we couldn’t find the holes in the thick skin of his foot. I always tell the people” Do Not cut the bite, with a razor, but I leave and they always do. Their logic is that the “black blood” seeps out and that’s the poison. I have given up on trying to teach them anatomy and simple ways the body works. Altough when it means life or death this makes me extremely annoyed. “why ask for my help” if you don’t listen to it.

The boar bite guy was another story. He is from our village originally but has moved to another village. He came to me to seek help and remembered that I told them to pack stuff with charcoal to make the bleeding stop and to stay clean. He came seeking help, listened and trusted everything I did.

The short story is Nathan was in the bush hunting pig, saw a family of wild pigs and wanted to steal the babies. As he went to do that, the Dad pig which, would have had big tusks came at him to attack him. Many have died from boar attacks before. I guess his adrenaline would have kicked in and he told us that he punched the boar in its mouth. Anyway as he is sitting there with me helping him, I see my kids holding this baby pig. Thankfully the boar did not rip open a main artery in his arm, but it was badly ripped open at the elbow and on his palm.

The struggle I deal with is my own heart and how I care for them. We didn’t come here to westernize them but to tell them the truth of the Living God and that there is a way to be saved from the damnation of Hell!! I need to not look at myself in this situation and feel annoyed. Christ came to serve and not to be served. May I always remember this and catch myself before my sin brings me down the road of bitterness.

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Ephesians 4:31

If you have time YouTube “ Otto Koenig-Pineapple Story” I can relate to everything he says! and that was many many years before we came to PNG.

this is Nathan a few weeks later and he is just fine!

one of the baby pigs, They want them because they feed them and have them as a pet until they are ready to eat them.

Whew, its been a while

So sorry my last entry was all the way back in January but we are in the village a lot more and there is no internet there. I have everything written down “old school “ style and will hopefully be getting you a blog entry twice a week.

As we were out this time. I believe the Lord was teaching me to trust Him more and know that through my weakness the power of Christ may rest upon me. This verse was what got me through. I taped it next to my kitchen window so that I would read it and meditate on it always.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Journal entry for Feb 2- 10

This is our first week back in the village after an 8 week hiccup with Bella’s arm being broken on Dec 16 2022. We had to make an emergency trip to Australia 🇦🇺 to get it fixed, but God was good and was with us the entire time. Unfortunately we went to the Doctor get the cast off on Jan 30 (here in PNG) and the X-ray showed that her arm still needed time to heal. Thankfully the Doctor here at the mission base, cut both sides of the cast and taped it. He did this so we could get back to the village without having to delay anymore. I’ll remove it in two weeks, and work with her on physical therapy movements as well.

As for the day of travel, God was Good! He kept the weather open and a truck was even working so we didn’t have to lug all the stuff the mile or so to the river. Caleb was able to get a guy with a boat and a 60 horse motor and we made it to our home by noon, I think that is the quickest we ever have made it here. While we were away the people of the village continued working on the airstrip which was extremely encouraging to us, for this was the first time they worked while we were away.

We also had a new “meeting” house built by a family here in the village. Our old one broke the month before we went on furlough back in 2021 so it was time to have a new one built. It is the place where Caleb holds meetings and I work on medicine, it now can hold a ton of people. We were able to hold our meetings in it this week.

last part of journal entry Nov21-28

Friday came and a huge amount of people who had been gone out of the village for over two months had come back so we went to greet them at the river. One having a new baby, which I was excited to meet. I was very happy that I could catch up with them on Saturday since I hadn’t seen them for over a year. Saturday afternoon came and we were doing our normal family board game when the whole big family that I hadn’t seen in a while come up to the house. I went out so I could have a good chat with them all. I had printed a lot of the families here pictures of their families that I have taken in the past and put them in small dollar store booklets (they love it). So I was able to hand those out to the few families. As I was talking with all of them the councilman came up saying he needed help right away. Apparently a man was stabbed in his buttocks over four times with a very sharp spear like knife. Now back in May 2022 I was trained through “MMI”, Medical Missionary Intensive. During my training we were taught to tourniquet for “stop the bleed”. Now when anyone comes up telling me that they’ve been cut with a knife my brain automatically goes to the worst. Thankfully I have Caleb who is always saying let’s go evaluate the situation before you jump to conclusions. I left with a whole bunch of medical supplies and went to see the situation. As he walked down to the village there was lots of shouting and arguing over the entire situation, lots of people yelling and screaming all I wanted to do was get to the patient, he was laying down on the muddy ground in a pool of watery blood, all of his blood had congealed and it was very thick clots on the ground. This was a good sign. The knife went into his buttocks about 4 inches hitting the bone. I have a powder that I am able to dump right on top of it to stop the bleed as well as tourniquet his leg up in the groin area.

Now let me give you a little backstory of this man, Jordi is his name and he himself is not a good man. He had hurt his wife numerous times already and just a few weeks ago I have been taking care of her leg where he shot a spear through it. I don’t ever want to wish ill on anyone, But honestly he had to coming to him. I would never deny anyone medical care so controlling the bleeding was the biggest part which we did and started him on a round of antibiotics as well as washing the wounds. He had some cuts on his arms as well, which were just surface wounds. The next day was Sunday and the Family and I were going to a village 10 minutes away. I went and checked on him because they changed him from the very bloody underwear he was in to having a towel on, I was able to change the dressing which looked great except that this new area what bleeding fresh blood. ( They thought I was stupid and nicked, with a razor, the inside of his butt cheek so that I would believe that the dagger went into him all the way and that they could get the criminal in jail for a longer period of time. When I just dismissed the situation and finished up with me wound care I think they are all little annoyed I didn’t take the bait.)

Caleb preached from 1Corinthians 6:9 and we had a good turn out. I was able to talk to the person who stabbed him, he lives in this village. I told him he still needs to turn from sin and understand that only through Christ could he be saved I also told him that they were planning on calling the police and that he would probably going to be going to jail all for his stupidity of what he did. When we came back to our village I went and checked on Jordi, remember he is a criminal and there are many things that he’s done in the past that are very evil, but he’s my captive audience since I have to tend to his rear.
I told him that it’s time to turn away from this life of sim that’s made him so evil I asked him, what good has his sin brought him and to look at where he is now. I also told him is there any other white missionary whose come and cared for him as Caleb and I? I said I gave up my life in America to come and help you for you to understand the Gospel of Christ. I guess I was overwhelmed by this point as I spoke because I mean why would I start to lose it? Literally crying, which is not something they do in front of each other let alone me of another culture… but I was really, really, upset about how they expect me to help them in every way medically and I do the best I can and yet they never want to hear anything that Caleb has to say regarding the Gospel of Christ, not the truth, nor the true and living Word of God. As I broke down I explained to them that I do care for each and everyone of their faces that I do care for their souls and that Jordi was given another chance and that he should totally turn around and change his way. I said to him you’re the one stabbed laying on the ground you could’ve been stabbed in some other place of your body which would’ve killed you but you weren’t you were stabbed in your rear. I told him how I cared for his soul and that I didn’t want him to be in hell. I told him how he needed to turn from his ways of being evil towards others and ask for forgiveness from Christ to repent of his sin and forgiveness from the people he had hurt in the past. I don’t know if anything I said mattered but I did let them see that I’m human to. I explained that I can’t constantly have all this pressure of all of them all the time and they think that I’m not weary and I don’t grow weak. I too need forgiveness, I too am a sinner and have turned from my sin and have been saved. I don’t know what it will be like when we return this week to the village. I PRAY FOR A REVIVAL!

Lord HEAR my prayer!

he was ok here, just in a lot of pain

me checking his vitals and they were great, showing he didn’t have a loss of to much blood

Jordi is in the yellow shirt (before the stabbing)

Caleb preaching.

part 2 of journal entry Nov21-28

This week November 21-28 has been one heck of a week.

I first started off the week excited because of Thanksgiving and that we would be celebrating with Thanksgiving food here in the village.

On Tuesday I already talked about how we’d pray for Dorothy‘s life and that the Lord would spare her. On Thursday, Thanksgiving day we enjoyed a great Thanksgiving with a small chicken, roast sweet potato, corn soufflé, green bean casserole and I made pumpkin pie. That afternoon I was laying down when I was called upon by my friend Geni, she told me that Dorthy’s family came back to tell me that she had died on her way to the hospital. When they brought the dead body back they refused to put it underneath the house that it rightly belong to, where her husband was, instead they disagreed and argued and put her underneath another relatives house. The husband was quite taken back and very upset about this and asked them to bring her to the underneath of his house but they refused to. While we were paying our respects to the dead we were caught in the middle of a huge cross fight with a very long machete. (The husband was extremely angry with his in-laws) Caleb picked up our dog who doesn’t know anything about people fighting and therefore she would’ve tried to bite someone. He and Elijah were within 5 feet of the fighting. Bella and I were on the other side and were pulled by numerous women to be brought around from where the fighting was. About 10mins late after we arrived at our house the husband came up for we believe his arm was broken by a long metal pipe they hit him with. I splinted it with two pieces of wood, wrapped it tight and gave him pain medicine. There’s nothing else we could do here for him. (found out later it was just very badly bruised)

The next day they buried her body. It’s always quite upsetting to me for I saw her alive on Tuesday morning and by Thursday afternoon I saw her dead. The most upsetting part for me is that these people refuse to acknowledge the Gospel and that there is a Christ, that there is a God, and that there is someone who can redeem them of their sins. I constantly ask the Lord why does he have us here? Why does he have me in all this turmoil all the time? Why are these people so evil and they constantly turn from good?

I realize I need to stop asking the LORD “why” and keep trusting in his sovereignty. These are the Hard things of missionary life.

Thanksgiving table 2022

burying Dorothy

part 1 of a big journal entry Nov 21-28

A few months ago, Dorothy, had her fourth baby at one of the best hospitals in our province. There she was told she had a blood clot in her abdomen and would need an operation. Well according to their culture they (husband and wife ) needed to come back to her family to ask if it was ok for her to have this operation. These are the times when I don’t understand things culturally. She went, they said no and she has been living with her family in another village (the one I wrote about Caleb visiting with 5 men from Moka it’s in the blog above.)

Her husband has been telling me about her and apparently it was getting bigger and they were very afraid of the operation so therefore sort of ran away from the situation. Now her mom and dad brought her to me. When I saw her, her stomach was extended as if she was nine months pregnant and I believe the blood clot was leaking into her system for she was in severe pain. ( I’m pretty sure she was dying) I told them I would try to help them the best I could by getting hold of the doctor of the hospital that is closest, to send a dinging in order to help bring her to the hospital. Her pulse was extremely weak her pain was extremely painful she was very pale and a literally had no body fat on her except for such an extended stomach. As I looked at her and evaluated her I could see that her life was pretty close to ending. I prayed for her right there. I asked the Lord to help me with decisions and praying that that doctor would answer the phone. He is a doctor from our language group one of the only people who ever went out and was put into a university, graduated and now is one of the doctors at the hospital about 8 1/2 hours away by motor. The minute I called him the Lord answered my prayer. Quincy is his name, he has my sat phone # on his phone and he greeted me with “Hello Moka.” I spoke to him explaining the situation and he said that one of his boats was in a nearby village about an hour and a half away if we can get her to that boat then they can get her to the hospital tomorrow. This was such an answer to prayer! We sent them off with our 15hrz motor and one of their canoes. I pray that Dorothy’s life will be spared and that her eyes will be open to the gospel. I always pray that the Lord will use me and all the situations he puts me in for good and that they would understand that I have no power but my God does. Praise be to GOD!

(so sorry I have no pictures of her)

This is her oldest son “Felix” (he died while we were on furlough from malaria) the youngest is Caleb

this is her husband

journal entry, November 7, 2022

We’ve been in here a month. There has not been rain for a few weeks now so our water tank is getting low. We have resorted to doing our laundry in a small spring in someone’s garden nearby. The amount of flies because of the non-rainy season is millions. Even though I have screens and a screen on my front door so many flies come in per day. They’re most annoying when they land on you and you’re sweating which is always! I’ve been able to learn more of the language, pretty much just nouns and verbs but Caleb has grown immensely with the language and can speak a lot more.

Bella right now has a low-grade fever and swollen lymph nodes. Probably some kind of virus.

Last week Elijah had a very bad boil on his back that started to cause him to be sick with a fever but thankfully with a course of antibiotics it’s all gone now. We keep praying for rain. This week will be a full normal week with just schooling and Caleb learning the language with workers who are here to do things on the property. Then next week Caleb will be taking a trip to another village about three hours up the river. He’ll be going with 5 other men from our village for two nights. I’ll be here with both kids and the day after he returns will be my birthday. Sometimes it’s very challenging for me to be here and sometimes it’s not. The days that I’m around people and able to do medicine, and have conversations with many people I feel like I could live here forever. And the days that I miss my family, my friends, normalcy, and my American culture that’s when I become discouraged. Thankfully God knows this and has given me much grace throughout our time here.

“But he said to me “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

- 2 Corinthians 12:9

Bringing the laundry to the garden spring

Loy and Boy are my laundry ladies for this week.

Caleb at the other village.