May 6-11
Another week has passed and we are settled in.
We’ve had some excitement going on, starting with Kavin who has sent for us at 8:30 pm. He thought he was bite by a snake in the village while he was walking home. Two ladies came to our wind house and called but I didn’t hear them. I was laying in bed with the fan on. Thankfully Elijah was in his bed and thought a ghost was calling his name, as he says. When I looked out I saw a fire in my wind house and they were waiting. It’s funny to me because they weren’t running to the house alarmed or anything but just calling out to me hoping I would hear? I don’t know why they do that. Caleb and I both went because it was night and I didn’t want to go alone. We locked the kids into the house and off we went. I wrapped the leg and sucked the one hole with the extractor. Then we waited to watch for signs. Caleb spoke to him about truly believing in Christ, for now is the time. After about an hour he didn’t have any symptoms so we all figured it was some sort of insect that bit him and drew blood. He never saw a snake and it is extremely rare for them to be bit in the village. We just wanted to be safe and were thankful that it wasn’t anything.
On Monday the 10th, we went down to the three villages to evangelize We had about 8 people from our village traveling with us. At the first village there were only two people in it due to people leaving for town and going to their garden. Caleb still read the Bible and spoke with the two women there. Afterwards we were given 3 coconuts. At the next village there were a lot more people and Caleb preached in their language from Revelation 20:15, on the Book of Life. We were there about 2 hours and then moved on to the last village of the day. This village is the headquarters for this area for the SDA’s. Even so we had a good turn out and Caleb preached for the third time that day the same thing. It’s always a long day the Monday’s we go but totally worth it.
As I said Caleb preached in the language, this is where the biggest change has happened in our ministry. Caleb has made a break through with his language learners. He is able to work each day with men from the village who help him with learning their language, translating scripture passages, and putting his preaching notes into the language. Caleb has his notes that he translated and has now preached in their language the WORD OF GOD! This is huge. This is the first time anyone has put the Word of God into the Kaiser language! Praise be to God!
May the Holy Spirit open then eyes of these people so they will be saved.
You can go to the picture video page and see him preaching in the language.
Caleb as the skipper, as we travel to the villages